With social media opening up your business to the online world, your business page will come across a wide variety of people, with these people falling into different categories of leads for your business. So what are these different leads and how do you manage the different types? Well, I am going to tell you…
Different Types of Leads
Understand that there are different leads out there. Hot, warm and cold. These are the 3 categories of leads out there on social media so let’s break them down.
- Hot leads have either bought from you before or have shown extreme interest in your product or services.
- Warm leads might be someone who has shown interest in a service or follows and interacts with your business page.
- Cold leads are people who don’t know about you and it could be the first time they are coming into contact with your business.
Now you can target these leads differently on social media and move people through the different stages.
For hot leads, you may want to upsell an additional product to them that would complement the product they already have.
A warm lead may have shown interest in a few articles you publish on tips around a specific area, so now you could think about selling them the product they have shown interest in with a post about it.
A cold lead would not take kindly to a hard sale straight away, instead, offer them something valuable like hints and tips around a subject area they may be interested in.
From this you can see that a social media marketing strategy could be a long-term strategy, starting with a cold lead and moving them through to a sale, but by working this way it really will pay off in the end, and remember, not all leads will be cold on your social media so you will have some quicker conversions depending where they are up to on the journey from cold to hot.
The clever part comes from guiding your potential customers from cold to hot leads and I am going to tell you how this can be done.
Convert your leads from cold to red hot!
Let’s take Facebook for example.
Facebook has a great tool which is Facebook Pixel. This is where you put a snippet of code on your website that tracks people when they land on your site. You can get specific with this and create your own Facebook audiences depending on specific actions they take. For example, if you sold fruit and veg, you could do a blog post (with your pixel code on it) around how good fruit and veg is for your health. You can then create a Facebook audience of anyone who lands on this page and call them “fruit and veg blog audience”. Anyone Landing on this page is now a warm lead as they have shown interest in your post. You now have a list of all people who have an interest in the benefits of fruit and veg, so for your next advert you could promote your webpage selling fruit and veg and send this advert to your “fruit and veg blog audience”. This advert will then have much more of a meaning to them because:
1. You know they are interested in this.
2. They recognise your brand as they have read your blog before.
You are then turning your warm leads into hot paying customers.
Using Facebook pixel is not the only way to take potential customers through the journey, and you don’t have to stay on social media through the wholes process. You could begin the journey on any social media platform with interesting posts surrounding a specific topic, then lead people to a newsletter sign up, meaning they will get a monthly newsletter with information surrounding the specific topic. Now these leads, once cold but now warm, are stored in an email database waiting for your newsletter, opening more possibilities to lead them into paying customers.
One last example…
My last example is YOU! If you are reading this then you may have been a cold lead (never heard of KT Digital Marketing) that has just become a warm one because this post was of interest to you. For some of you today, your journey through the different leads may end at a warm lead and you will go away with, I hope, some useful information regarding the different online leads and how to nurture them, but others are about to become red hot and click the button below and contact us for help with your digital marketing.