Web Design in Bury
A businesses website is its biggest online asset, so it is important to get it right. From outstanding web design, great user experience and high conversion optimisation. We work with your business to understand its goals and what it stands for to create you a website your business deserves.
We do what is right for your business. Web design from KT Digital Marketing can offer you a blank canvas to sculpt the website suited to your business’s brand, goals and customers making it a more effective marketing asset for you to use in improving your business.
All of our websites are mobile responsive, meaning you will get the great experience from the website whether that be on a desktop, tablet or mobile.
Having a mobile responsive site is something Google now considers extremely important for their rankings in the search engine.
We aim to bridge the gap between the expensive bespoke designed websites that many businesses can not afford. To the cheap templates that do not do the right job for the business. Please get in touch to find out how we aim to achieve this.
Let's Work Together.
What Our Clients Say.
Web Design
Here at KT Digital Marketing we make high-quality websites that suit your business and it’s goals.
We build our websites using the WordPress platform, a leader in website platforms and recognised around the world. This allows us to build beautiful websites with great user experience as well as giving our clients easy access to make edits to the website.
User Experience
Making your site is important, but so is usability. If someone lands on your website but can not easily navigate around it and get to what they need, then your site will be pointless as it will not be converting any potential customers into paying customers. We always bare in mind the user when making your site. So it will look pretty as well as be user friendly.
Hosting & After Care
A monthly hosting fee will be charged if you host your website with us, allowing you to have piece of mind that if anything ever goes wrong with your website, we will be the one that sorts this out for you.
Need anything changing after the website has been complete? We are always happy to make these changes at our hourly rate. Or agree with you one of our monthly maintenance packages.